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All About Timeshare Resales

resort in snowTimeshare resales offer great value and give you all the flexibility and variety you need when buying vacation ownership, especially with one of the major branded timeshare developers such as Marriott, Hilton, Disney, Wyndham or Bluegreen. But unlike buying timeshares direct, when you buy on the timeshare resale market, you are buying timeshares at a fraction of the developer’s price!

Think about it—two families enjoy vacations in identical, side-by-side timeshare condos or vacation villas. One family purchased a timeshare for sale from an owner on the timeshare resale market and the other family paid twice or even three times as much at the resort for their vacation ownership. Who do you think is enjoying their holiday more?

At Buy a Timeshare, we want to help you save money by buying timeshare on the resale market. Browse thousands of active timeshare resales in our database. If you are looking to sell your timeshare, even better since buyers need to see what you own.

Fill out our inquiry form or give us a call on 800-640-6886 to see how we can help. Otherwise, read on for more details about the timeshare resale process.

Why Buy Timeshare Resales?

For smart-money consumers who are buying timeshare, the logical way to take this step to timeshare ownership is by purchasing by-owner timeshare resales through a timeshare resale company they trust. By owner resale timeshares offer an affordable way to buy a timeshare.

Timeshare development companies, like Disney and Marriott, must mark up the sale of each timeshare to absorb some very expensive marketing costs. Someone has to pay for all those free vacations, theme park tickets, and restaurant vouchers developers give away. That someone is the consumer who buys timeshare directly from the developer.

Even if the developer acquires timeshare resales from existing owners, the developer then marks back up that timeshare price to the same inflated amount they use in selling “new” timeshare. Their high-cost marketing model affords them no other option. Developers cannot sell timeshare resales at a lower price than they are selling the same vacation product as “new” at the property; to do so would put them in competition with themselves.

Timeshare resales are free from the developers’ marketing mark-up, as some owners just want to recoup a portion of the timeshare’s original purchase price. Most sellers are only interested in getting out of their timeshare ownership commitment. And regardless of their motivation to sell, you as a prospective resale buyer are positioned to get a great deal.

Browse By Owner Timeshare Resales at BuyaTimeshare.com

Experienced timeshare observers understand that online timeshare resales offer a buyer’s market. Timeshares have been sold since the 1960s, so timeshares were sold for decades before an effective online marketplace emerged in the 2000s.

Many of timeshare’s first buyers have now reached the age where they no longer travel, creating a timeshare resale market full of competitive deals.

Here at BuyaTimeshare.com, you will see timeshares for sale at resorts from around the world. Owners post their timeshares with the details and incentives that make our offerings some of the most attractive in the industry.

Not quite sure where you want to buy? Try entering the name of your favorite vacation town in our search bar at the top of the page and click onto the town page revealed in the dropdown menu. This page will show you all of the resorts for that town in our database, narrowing your choices to find the best resort for your vacations.

You can even enter the name of a specific resort into the search bar. Click onto the suggested resort page revealed in the dropdown menu, then scroll through the timeshares for sale to find the best timeshare on offer.

By clicking onto specific advertisements, you will see a full-page ad with the important details you need to assess whether to make an offer on the property. Information such as the number of bedrooms, season of ownership, whether it is a fixed or floating week, and number of points are all crucial details that can prompt you to make an inquiry to the owner.

Our system allows you to start the conversation with the owner, asking them about the information and specifics that can lead to a sale.

How do Resale Timeshares Work?

The timeshare resale market is the best place to buy timeshares for one big reason - to save money.

Savvy buyers understand that sellers put their ownership up for sale online at a discount to get the best price possible based on market demand. The savings can be as much as 50-60 percent compared to what the resorts charge because marketing costs and commissions are built into resort prices – overhead that doesn’t factor into resale prices.

When you buy resale timeshares, you can choose:

  • Fixed week ownership, guaranteeing your favorite vacation time and destination.
  • Floating week ownership, for the flexibility of changing your plans from vacation to vacation.
  • Vacation club membership or points based timeshare, for the greatest variety of options.
  • Or, any of a range of hybrid alternatives from vacation clubs, to travel clubs, to fractional ownership.

To buy your timeshare on the resale timeshare market, you’ll want to choose a timeshare resales company with experience in online marketing. BuyaTimeshare.com was the first online timeshare advertising company to use search engine optimization as an exclusive marketing strategy. Think about it: we’ve been doing it longer than anyone else in the business.

We put technology and leading-edge marketing strategies to work, making our website highly visible and targeted to attract interested buyers and motivated sellers, which are the two key ingredients for building a robust and effective timeshare marketplace.

To put it simply: we care deeply about timeshare buyers, sellers, renters, and the integrity of the resale marketplace. If this sounds good to you, contact us now. We are BuyaTimeshare.com and we’d love to help you start enjoying incredible vacations at prices that make luxury affordable.

Additional Resources

Looking to sell your timeshare on the timeshare resale market? Find out how much your timeshare is worth.

Need More Timeshare Resales Information?

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    Your Timeshare Market Value

    Your Market Analysis reflects the average asking price among the owners from your resort seeking to sell their timeshare here on BuyaTimeshare.com. The analysis is based on specific characteristics such as unit configuration, season, specific week owned or, in the case of points ownership, the category and number of points owned.

    Marriott's Harbour Lake

    7102 Grand Horizons Blvd, Orlando, United States

    Your Timeshares value

    Bedroom Bathroom Usage Average Asking Price
    Not Provided Not Provided Not Provided Not Provided

    How Do We Provide You with a Market Value Survey?

    We will review current advertised sales prices along with the 5,385 offers processed through buyatimeshare.com for Marriott's Harbour Lake. In addition, we will consider the following details you submitted regarding your ownership:


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