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Kaimanawa Lodge258 Taupahi Road, Turangi, New Zealand (aotearoa)


Tongariro National Park

, Turangi New Zealand (aotearoa)

From herb fields to forests, from tranquil lakes to desert-like plateau and active volcanoes - Tongariro has them all. The three andesitic volcanoes at the heart of the park. Tongariro is home to many amazing native creatures including New Zealand's only native mammals, the short and long tailed bats. Birds you might see during daylight include North Island robins, fantails, tomtits, and tui.

The most famous walks in the park are the Tongariro Alpine Crossing, one of the best day hikes in New Zealand, if not the world; and the Tongariro Northern Circuit, one of the nine Great Walks, of which the Crossing is a part. 

Tel: +64 7 892 3729
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